Laboratory of Statistical Signal Processing & Inverse Problems

LASSIP Academy

Numpy and Matplolib – Practical test – Very basic level: Google Colab

Convolution matrix: Google Colab

Rank-1 factorization with SVD (“reverse an outer product”): Google Colab

Using masks to filter out data with Numpy: Google Colab

Estimation of finite impulse response from an input-output pair of signals: Google Colab

Motion tracking with the Lucas-Kanade algorithm: Blog post

Simulating crosstalk and its effect on the measurement of directivity: Google Colab

Amplitude Modulation and Demodulation: Google Colab

Envelope detection (demodulation) with scipy.signal.hilbert: Google Colab

Laplace operator as a convolution: Google Colab

2D Phase Correlation algorithm: Google Colab

SVD-based Fourier-domain 2D Phase Correlation algorithm: Google Colab

Interpolating 2-D distortion with Thin Plate Splines: Google Colab

Animated plots with Matplotlib: Blog post

Elastic waves: Slides / Video (pt-BR)