The UTBots Team has a long-standing history and has represented Brazil, specially the state of Paraná, in the RoboCup since 2013. Over the years, the team has participated in various categories and collected numerous trophies.
We take pride in being a cradle for the development of dozens of scientific research projects in Robotics and Computational Intelligence, contributing to the education of countless professionals in Brazilian academia and both the national and international markets. Promoting knowledge and scientific development from basic education, through our Educational Robotics project EDUTBots, to undergraduate and postgraduate levels with our competition teams, remains the greatest privilege and legacy throughout all these years.

What is RoboCup?
The RoboCup is the world’s largest robotics competition, dedicated to promoting and advancing autonomous robotics as well as developing state-of-the-art technologies in the fields of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence. This competition challenges teams from around the globe to create robots capable of competing in soccer matches, performing household services, carrying out rescue and disaster relief missions, among other tasks, fostering interaction and competition among intelligent machines.

The inspiration for the creation of RoboCup dates back to 1997, when IBM’s Deep Blue artificial intelligence defeated the reigning world chess champion, sparking great enthusiasm within the scientific community. In search of the next significant technological challenge of the 21st century, the idea of developing teams of robots capable of playing soccer emerged, leading to the conception of RoboCup. Since then, it has expanded to explore new areas of research in the world of robotics.
Our teams
Currently we compete in the following categories: