Frequently Asked Questions

What is ExperimentAnima?

ExperimentAnima is an event of scientific and technical scope involving academic research, discussion tables and paper presentation, while promoting independent animation projects and research from professional and new animators.

Who can participate?

Everyone who is passionate about animation, or is curious about the subject, is welcome to participate as attenders! Academics who carry out animation research and students working on their undergraduate thesis about animation are welcome to submit their work and proposals for the event! Animation filmmakers are encouraged to submit their films and projects to be screened at the showcase.

How do I apply?

To submit scientific papers, click here. If you wish to participate in other ways such as streams, animation showcases, or submit a social media post about animation, click here. Other animation related materials can be registered here.

Will there be certificates?

Yes! All participants who fill out the presentation attendance list, as well as send material to present will receive an ExperimentAnima certificate. The certificate will be sent by email up to 30 days after the event takes place.

Can I propose an activity?

Yes! You can submit your stream proposals, including workshops, lectures and round-table discussions by clicking here.

What are the ways I can participate?

You can submit your scientific or academic work, your animations for showcase, perform streams, submit social media posts to our library, attend as a listener or help organize the event as a volunteer.

How do I submit my work for the showcases?

To submit your animation for our showcase, fill out this form.

What kind of animation can be submitted?

We will be accepting academic, comercial, independent or advertising animation projects.

If I submit my research paper (thesis, dissertation, or undergraduate research) do I need to present it during the event?

Yes. The research paper authors who wish to be published in the event proceedings must present their work during ExperimentAnima.

Do I submit my full article in the scientific and academic papers category?

Do I submit my full article in the scientific and academic papers category?

Will the papers be published in the event proceedings, afterwards?

Yes, all accepted works will be published on an ebook after ExperimentAnima takes place.

What is a mini bio?

A mini bio is a summary of the author or authors biography. It must contain up to 1000 characters including space.

Can I help the event? And do I need to live near UTFPR?

Meetings and activities will take place remotely and volunteers can participate from wherever they are in Brazil.

Does the undergraduate thesis need to be already published?

An undergraduate thesis that has not been defended yet can be presented as a video by submitting it in the Open Animation Lab (LAAB) category.

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